5200 CE OI DECREASED -87150 TOTAL OI 2916600
5300 CE OI DECREASED -102900 TOTAL OI 3365100
5400 CE OI ADDED +266700 TOTAL OI 4471050
5200 PE OI ADDED 322350 TOTAL OI 7566050
5300 PE OI DECREASED -493500 TOTAL OI 5567700
5400 PE OI ADDED 512250 TOTAL OI 3926300
As per current option open interest data this highly unpredictable situation in the market now. Yesterday market open gap up but didnot sustained above 5400 level.Yesterday profit booking seen in nifty future. 5400 CE and 5400PE both were written yesterday, also unwinding seen in 5300 PE yesterday. Highly unpredictable situation. but one indication is yesterday 5400 PE writting is just double than 5400 CE. FII bought 1298.64 cr in cash market yesterday. In current situation for bulls market has to close above 5440 level, and for bears market has to close below 5280 level. One more thing if market does not close above 5440 in next two trading session bears may drag nifty towards 5050 level. Short term opprtunist traders keep remember this words.Trade in minmum quantity.