1 October 2011
27 September 2011
Here is the solution……
Invest 25000/- in Nifty Option and Be Crorepati in 2+ year
We always believe in improving our services.
These efforts are towards empowering our VIEWER to fight the battle of bulls and bears to emerge out to be winner.
As everybody knows 95% of the people lose money in the stock market. All our efforts are delivered to ensure that our recomendation should be in the 5% who make Profits, Profits and only PROFITS.
we have developed a derivative-option strategy. In every month there are chances of earning maximum money, our call this days as Golden Days where returns are more than 100% to 200% of your investment, in Nifty Options.
As per our Nifty Option strategy (either call or put) any sudden up or down move of nifty will give us returns in multiple times (2 times to 4 times on monthly average basis) We are mainly invested in nifty options and our maximum waiting period is 5-6 days per call for getting profits.
We do Nifty Option APROX 10-15 trades in a month for gaining maximum profits and the good point is that worst come worst maximum risk is of only Rs. 25000/- (Initial amount invested) and returns could be unlimited.
Now let us come to the point, that how we can earn billions in Nifty Option market, as we are considering that a vertical nifty move (upside or downside) of Nifty can give us 100% to 400% returns on monthly average basis.
Let us assume that you are investing Rs. 25,000/- & it becomes Rs 50000/- in first month, then in next month you re-invest Rs. 25000 and remove your (Initial amount invested 25000)- which becomes Rs. 50000/-, 3rd month remove 15000/-you re-invest Rs. 35000/- which becomes Rs. 70000/-4th month remove 20000 and invest 50000/- which will become 100000/- again remove 30000 and invest 70000/-onwards you start taking out some capital out of market . keep doing this for rest of months, after TEN months we want invest safely with initial considerable amount Rs. 1000000/- after that next programme will be made.
TO SUBSCRIBE CONTACT: sk05rajesh@gmail.com
Futures and Options trading have large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the Futures and Options markets. Don't trade with money that you can't afford to lose. This is neither a solicitation nor an offer to Buy/Sell Futures or Options.
The contents of this site are for general information purposes, only. The strategies/plan discussed above in this thread/site is made by me based on data which is operated and maintained by third parties. However it is tested and proved every attempt has been made to assure accuracy, but it is by me only. We assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Examples on this site and in the manual are provided for illustrative purposes and should not be construed as investment advice or strategy. The future data manual is for informational purposes only. These predictions/tips are technical , based on charts conditions ONLY. This is only a guideline, the decision has to be taken after logical thinking by you. Technical analyst and astrologist will not be liable for any personal or financial losses or profits.
The information and views in this website & all the services we provide are believed to be reliable, but we do not accept any responsibility (or liability) for errors of fact or opinion. Users have the right to choose the product/s that suits them the most.