If only you could know when the market was going to be choppy; That one piece of information could possibly turn you into a profitable trader!
Choppy markets chop up your profits. Sometimes learning when NOT to trade is just as important as knowing when to trade and how to trade and what to trade.
Knowing your trading signals and when to trade is your "offense." Knowing when NOT to take your trading signals is your "defense."
To win at the trading game you need both a good offense and a good defense.
You can learn all about it from my Intraday Trading Setup "How to Avoid Choppy Markets and Get in on Major Trends."
The Intraday Trading Setup can help you by giving you proven filters. It tell you how to trade like smart trader. It detect daily two buy level and daily two sell level. It detect that either today is trading day or not. It detect your target and stoploss for intraday and positional trade. It detect the strength of trend. It is easy to understand easy to trade and easy to earn. You trade more than you think you do.
So don't do adventure with your capital. Buy Intraday trading setup and earn Rs. 5000 on daily basis on one lac investment.